Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas’ Scholarship Program encourages Littles to graduate high school and pursue a post-secondary education. Eligible youth can earn $2,000 in scholarship funds with the potential for an additional $500 per year, up to a maximum of $4,000. Scholarship funds can be used at any two or four-year college, university or accredited trade or technical school.

Students who are at least 14 years old and who have remained matched for one year or longer are eligible for the program. At our annual Promising Futures Scholarship Ceremony, students who promise to finish high school are promised scholarships from BBBS, while graduating seniors who have met these requirements and chosen to enroll in post-secondary education are recognized for their achievements.


Our 2024 Promising Futures Scholarship Ceremony took place Saturday, June 15th.

See event photos here.

Program Information

Am I eligible?
You are eligible if you are currently matched or have been matched in the past through the BBBS Central Texas agency, and you meet all of the following requirements:

  • You are 14 years of age or older after your one-year match anniversary or you are newly matched after age 14 and remain in a continuous match for one year or longer.
  • You graduate high school or obtain your GED by age 20.
  • You enroll in a two or four-year college, university or accredited trade or technical school.
  • You apply for the BBBS Scholarship Program within 2 years of graduating high school or obtaining your GED by age 20.

Note: If you were promised a scholarship prior to January 1, 2012, contact Jade Lopez, BBBS’ Scholarship Program Coordinator, at  or 512-807-3642 to learn about changes in program guideline changes that may affect you.

How do I enroll my Little in the scholarship program?
To enroll, contact your current Match Support Specialist and request a scholarship application. If you are not in an active match, please contact Jade Lopez, BBBS’ Scholarship Program Coordinator, at or 512-807-3642.

Are there important deadlines?
Yes, there are two important deadlines related to obtaining and using your scholarship funds:

  • You must begin using your funds within two years of graduating high school or obtaining your GED by age 20,
  • Once you begin accessing your funds, you have only four years to apply them to your education.

If you have any further questions, please contact Jade Lopez, BBBS’ Scholarship Coordinator, at or 512-807-3642.

Scholarship Forms


How do I access my scholarship funds?
Once you have enrolled in the scholarship program and you are registered for classes at a college, university, or trade school, you can begin to access your funds. To access your funds, submit the following:

  • Scholarship Choice Form
  • Funds Disbursement Policy and Procedure
  • A copy of your high school transcript or high school diploma
  • Proof of enrollment in your school (unless attending Austin Community College). We need official communication from your school that includes your name, your student ID number, and your school’s name. Examples include a tuition statement or a screenshot of your student account summary on your school’s student portal.

Remember, you must begin this process within two years of high school graduation or obtaining your GED by age 20. Once you begin accessing your funds, you have four years to exhaust your scholarship.

Funds are disbursed on a per-semester basis, according to the number of class hours for which you have enrolled and will be sent directly to the educational institution:

  • $500.00 for 12 or more hours
  • $250.00 for less than 12 hours

Each semester, you will indicate on your Scholarship Choice form how you would like to apply the scholarship funds. Funds may be applied for the following purposes:

  • Tuition
  • On-campus housing
  • Books or course-related materials purchased at your school’s bookstore

How did the scholarship program get started?
In 1986, an anonymous donor made a significant contribution to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas with the designated purpose of establishing a program to encourage Little Brothers and Sisters to complete high school and pursue post-secondary education.

These funds enable us to offer a $2,000 scholarship promise to each Little Brother and Sister, 14 years old and older, who has been matched with the same mentor for at least one year. Students promise BBBS to stay in school and graduate. In turn, BBBS promises to award them with a $2,000 scholarship to be used toward their post-secondary education.

The Central Texas Scholarship Program was the first of its kind throughout the nearly 350 BBBS chapters nationwide.

Additional Resources



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