Bigs and Littles “Take Flight”

BBBS Big Brother and Little Brother matches recently visited Phoenix Arising Aviation Academy – a local non-profit that aims to develop student interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) using aviation and technology.

The day started off with a powerful message from Phoenix Arising’s CEO and Program Director. They both shared their own personal stories of former mentors in their lives.

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The Bigs and Littles then moved on to their first team building exercise – building 3D airplanes!  The first Big and Little who completed the exercise were awarded the honor of being the first in the flight simulator.

As “Pilots” and “Co-Pilots” they all had the chance to learn to fly in various capacities, including standard single engine planes, WWII missions, drone flights, and more!

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Thank you to Phoenix Arising Aviation Academy as well as our supporters for providing our Littles opportunities like these!

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