Tiffany & Tre’on: A Connection That Lasts

Tiffany was first matched with Tre’on shortly after graduating from college. She was 22 years old and Tre’on was just 10 years old.

“Being a Big Sister to Tre’on was a wonderful experience,” Tiffany said. “From the moment we were matched, his family welcomed me as one of their own. Often, his younger brother came with us on our hangouts, as well. We all had a great time.”

When Tiffany first met her now husband, he got Tre’s approval, she said. Her husband also connected with Tre and his brother.

Being matched reminded Tiffany how important having an adult who is consistently there for a child really is.

“I think it was our time together that inspired my specific choice of campus for my teaching career,” Tiffany explained. “I work at a Title-One school and I’m happy to be able to be a caring adult in my kids’ lives.”

After their match officially closed, the pair kept in touch, and when Tiffany and her husband received Tre’s wedding invitation, there was no question about whether they’d be there.

“The wedding was beautiful,” she said. “I hadn’t seen Tre since he graduated from high school, so the biggest shock was how he was just a ‘whole adult.’ His wife is beautiful, kind, and a little sassy – exactly what I would hope for him. His family was the same as always – welcoming, gracious, and grateful to see us.”

Tiffany was reminded of the little Tre’on she first met.

“Seeing Tre’on grow up was the best part of our mentoring relationship. He was a little reserved and hesitant around adults initially. But as he matured, he really came into his own, and I got a first-hand view of how he shaped his future.”

Together, Tiffany and Tre’on have laughed, learned, and grown.

“There are so many kids who just need a consistent presence who they know is there for them – and there because they want to be,” Tiffany said. “There are so few ways that you get to make a direct and measurable impact, and BBBS is literally there for that!”

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