Holiday Memories: Brandon Jones

Holiday Memories: Brandon Jones

For many, the holiday season is a rushed, overloaded, stressful time that seems to put people in a bah humbug mood rather than a joyous one. Fortunately, the season often offers great moments for reflection. Three-time Big Brother Brandon Jones shared his perspective on the season by sharing his most memorable holiday moment.

“I might have been in kindergarten or first grade,” said Brandon. “I got a Big Wheel – it had two wheels on the back and one big wheel on the front. I also got a bubble lawn mower and a My Buddy doll, which was popular in the ‘80’s.”

“But really, it wasn’t the presents. It was that fact that we were all together that mattered. I got to hang out with my cousins,” said Brandon. “Just the chance to all be together. The weather was nice and cool, we ate good, and played all day long.”

Brandon remembers speeding through the house on the new Big Wheel. “I definitely had a lot of fun drives,” he laughed. “I was sad when I outgrew it. But I had a lot of really cool adventures in our driveway and on the sidewalk in front of our house.”

His holiday was about more than just the stuff, however; and Brandon emphasizes the importance of creating positive memories for kids during the season, regardless of family dynamics. “It’s positive memories more than items that are important,” said Brandon. “Those memories give kids something to look back on.”

“A lot of times when we grow up, we stop playing. We start focusing so much on work we forget to play,” said Brandon. “Creating meaningful memories is important because it gives everyone something to reflect on. Even in those moments when you can’t get away or take a vacation or retreat, you can take a few moments to sit back and think of those favorite times and memories.”

Brandon took his own advice when he was a Big Brother three different times. “As a Big, I tried to create memories for my Littles by attending the agency holiday parties, taking them to Christmas parades, and identifying creative ways to have fun.”

Treasured holiday memories continue to impact kids into adulthood. “They provide something for kids to consider later should they decide to have a family. These experiences give them an example to say, ‘Hey, I remember what the holidays were like for me. What kinds of activities, traditions and events would I like to replicate or keep going?” said Brandon. “So, I think it is very important to make sure we provide kids with these memories and these special opportunities for connection.”

Bringing people together. Creating moments that matter. That’s what the holiday season is all about.

No matter where you are, we wish you a holiday full of joy and the company of friends and family. Thank you for being part of our community.

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